Digital Strain

Blue light, Burning sensation, Digital Eye Strain, Digital Measurements for fitting Progressive lenses, eyewear, optic nest, optometrist, Redness, Sarjapur road, spectacles, Tired eyes -

Digital Strain

Do you spend more time in front of Digital gadget? Do your eyes become Red very often? 


If Yes !!!!  Then you are surely facing Digital Eye Strain.


Do you spend more time in front of your computer?


 Prolonged usage of computers and viewing small fonts on your mobile can cause tired or burning eyes.  Sometimes Blurry and double vision, sore neck, shoulder pain are some more adding trouble in our daily life.  

 We all need light and light is the main source of life.  Light is an electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the HUMAN EYE.  There are two types of light i.e. natural and artificial lights. We all know the benefits from natural light and at the same time cannot ignore the benefits from artificial lights too. All digital gadgets work on artificial lights.  It consists of harmful rays especially ultra violet rays and Blue light rays.  


The Digital gadgets have become part of our daily life.  The following  6 tips will help you to protect your eyes from digital gadgets.  


Tip 1 - Adjust your computer table

All computer screens to be placed at arm length distance. Approximately 50 centimetres or 2 ft away.  A proper adjustment of the table relaxes your neck and shoulder.  The eyes can focus well and hence feels comfortable.


Tip 2 - Have a comfortable chair

Buy a comfortable chair if you are spending more than 6-8 hrs.  Many companies manufacture office chairs specially designed for computers. It not only gives you comfort but also saves you from back pain.  But again it's recommended to take a frequent break to allow the body muscles to relax and blood flows well.  


Tip 3 - Blue light protection spectacles

This is the most important of all things.  The best blue light protection lenses will surely reduce stress, fatigue and strain.  You can choose Crizal Prevencia lenses from Essilor.  It has the highest protection and gives you maximum comfort.  


Tip 4 - Increase Blinking Rate enhances lubrication.

 Eyes need proper lubrication.  So it's important to keep it lubricated. Doctors recommend oral drops like Refresh Tears to lubricate the eyes regularly.  Apart from the oral lubrication we need to increase the blinking rate to enhance the lubrication.  Dry eyes are one of the major reasons for eyes becoming red and also feel burning and itching.  Sometimes you may find white protein discharges especially while you woke up in the morning.  This is common with some people but do not ignore it.  Timely medication will certainly help to keep away big issues.


Tip - 5 Regular Eye Test

 A Regular eye test will certainly help you to detect refractive errors and ensure the vision is corrected.  People wearing glasses need to check their eyesight at an interval of 12-14 months.  While first timers can check once in 2 years or when you encounter blurry and headache.  


Tip -6 Eye Exercises

Many of us ignore the fact that eyes are muscles and they need to exercise it on a daily basis.  A gentle massaging can enhance the blood flow and it drastically reduces stress and fatigueness.  So, It is very much recommended to do pranayama and other exercises for our eyes.  

 The eyes do a lot during the day so needs utmost care.  Digital Eye strain can be avoided.  

 If you have any queries with respect to Digital Eye Strain please do contact me on the below number 

 Phone : 98860 09067




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