Essilor Stellest lenses -

Essilor stellest lenses | Optic nest | Bangalore

How do we slow down the myopic progression in kids? This is the next big challenge for every parent in the world. Essilor Stellest is the game-changing new lens technology for kid myopia control. The child can benefit from nearsightedness and power advancement.

Stellest™ lenses are Essilor‘s highly innovative cutting-edge technology product which works very well on children in slowing down the progression of myopia.  

The clinical trials have shown that kid’s myopia has lowered by almost 67% on average when worn for 12 hours a day. These lenses are made available in India this year, since July 2022. 

Unlike any other single vision lenses, the Stellest lenses have 1021 invisible lenslets i.e. a constellation of lenses in one LENS to shield the structure of the eyeball. It creates a volume of signals in the child’s eye and protects them in eye elongation along with visual comfort.

These lenses are dispensed after thorough counseling with the parent. 

The power is recorded and monitored throughout the journey. 

 The lenses are available in Essilor’s certified Expert stores only. They are also made available in some of the renowned hospitals in the major cities.

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